
As standard, the houses are delivered raw and untreated




















































Bauart Zuluna / Modulbau
Dachform Pultdach
Wandstärke 15 mm Softline
Wandaußenmaß (B/T) 215 x 150 cm
Seitenwandhöhe 113,9 cm
Firsthöhe 150,3 cm
Dachfläche 3,4 m²
Dachüberstand Vorne 8 cm
Dachüberstand Hinten 8 cm
Dachüberstand Links 8 cm
Dachüberstand Rechts 8 cm
Dachneigung 14
Türen 147 x 108 cm
Optionales Zubehör EPDM Folie
Fräsung an der Tür
Objekt ID 2000
Varianten Objekt ID 2000
Plan herunterladen


  • W/D = width/depth,
  • AN = extension,
  • S = apex roof,
  • P = pent roof,
  • DP = dual pent roof,
  • W = hipped roof,
  • F = flat roof,
  • Z = tent roof,
  • B = butterfly roof,
  • VD = canopy extension,
  • SD = side roof,
  • O = open roof,
  • EF = single window,
  • DF = double window,
  • FF = fixed glazed window,
  • ET = single door,
  • DT = double door,
  • ST = sliding door,
  • FT = folding door
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